Understanding The Vital Role of Emotional Support Animals in Mental Health

Written by: Lindsay Giguiere



Time to read 4 min

Many individuals facing psychiatric conditions explore various options to improve their mental health. Among these, support animals emerge as a valuable source of social support, emotional comfort, and other beneficial actions for those with specific needs; in other words, our furry friends become our superheroes.

Emotional support animals hold a significant place in mental health treatment plans, making a tangible difference in their owners' lives when matched appropriately. Nonetheless, assistance animals serve distinct roles, often surrounded by misconceptions and misunderstandings.

This article aims to elucidate the concept of emotional support animals, clarifying their differences from other assistance animals. Furthermore, it delves into the profound mental health benefits that emotional support animals can provide, shedding light on the profound positive impact they can have on individuals in need.

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What is an Emotional Support Animal?

An emotional support animal (ESA) is a beloved pet that holds a special designation, prescribed by a licensed therapist or medical doctor as part of a therapeutic treatment plan. These animals can be of any type or age, as long as they are well-behaved in public settings. 

Although dogs are a popular choice, any species can qualify as an ESA if their presence brings comfort and relief to psychiatric symptoms. Their supportive nature makes them invaluable companions, providing much-needed solace to individuals in various settings, be it at home, work, or school.

What’s the Difference Between an ESA and a Service Animal?

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It's important to distinguish between support animals and service animals. Support animals differ from service animals in that they don't undergo rigorous training for specific treatment-related tasks. Service Animals are trained to help their owners in case of a crisis. According to recent statistics, there are about 500,000 service dogs in the USA. While that number may seem high, unfortunately, it doesn’t cover everyone with a disability in the country, considering 26% of adults suffer from one type.

Instead of this kind of service, ESAs' therapeutic value comes from their mere presence and the emotional support they offer. These animals play a vital role in providing comfort and companionship to individuals with various needs. While service animals are trained to perform specific tasks to assist individuals with disabilities, support animals offer emotional comfort and support to their owners without the need for specialized training. It's essential to understand the distinctions between these two types of animals to ensure appropriate accommodations and recognition for their respective roles. By recognizing the unique contributions of support animals, we can appreciate the significant impact they have on the emotional well-being of their owners.

Aside from training differences, support animals do not enjoy the same level of accommodations for transportation services and places of business. However, under the Fair Housing Act, certain locations must provide "reasonable accommodations" for assistance animals, recognizing the significance of their role in mental health support.

Other Types of Assistance Animals

Apart from emotional support animals, other types of assistance animals are available for individuals with psychiatric conditions. Psychiatric Service Animals (PSAs) are trained to perform specific tasks related to detecting and reducing the impact of psychiatric episodes. They offer vital support to individuals with conditions like PTSD, schizophrenia, and depression by reminding them to take medications or providing grounding stimulation for anxiety symptoms. PSAs, limited to miniature horses and dogs, are allowed to accompany their owners at all times, including workplaces and public places.

The notion that pets have a crucial therapeutic function is becoming more popular each day, and many scientific studies are being conducted to prove the role of assistance animals in mental health.

Therapy animals, on the other hand, are not limited by species, but dogs are commonly used. They are privately owned and visit schools, hospitals, and public places to provide comfort and healing contact. Interacting with therapy animals promotes well-being, positive mood, and reduces loneliness and boredom. Additionally, crisis response animals are specially trained to offer comfort and calm distraction in emergency situations, such as natural disasters and acts of terrorism. Their presence in crowded environments helps individuals relax and feel less distressed.

How Emotional Support Animals Help with Mental Health

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The idea that having a dog, or another pet, nearby is reassuring is far from new. Sigmund Freud actually used his dog during therapy with his patients to make them feel at ease. It is reported that 74% of owners affirm their mental health improved considerably after getting a pet.

Emotional support animals have a myriad of positive impacts on mental health. They encourage behavioral activation, as owning a pet promotes daily activities, physical exercise, and time spent outdoors, all of which contribute to improved mobility and mental well-being. Caring for a pet also fosters enhanced social engagement, alleviating social isolation and fostering meaningful connections with fellow pet owners. Moreover, pets serve as a valuable source of symptom distraction, offering opportunities for frequent interactions and affection, diverting attention from distressing symptoms or experiences.

The presence of support animals, particularly those that can read emotional cues, offers non-judgmental acceptance. They provide a safe space for owners to express their thoughts and emotions openly without judgment or conflict. The intuitive responsiveness of support animals helps individuals effectively regulate their emotions, providing soothing comfort and companionship when needed most. Caring for a pet gives individuals a sense of meaning and purpose, reminding them of their worth and significance even amidst significant mental health challenges.

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In summary, emotional support animals play a vital role in the lives of individuals with psychiatric disorders, providing comfort and intuitive support. While they do not have the same privileges as trained service animals, ongoing studies continue to uncover the therapeutic influence of support animals and the profound difference they make in the lives of individuals with psychiatric needs. Their presence helps patients maintain daily activities, encourages social engagement, and ultimately enhances overall well-being.

If you believe you could benefit from the daily support of an ESA and are considering certifying your pet to secure your legal rights and access, find all the information you need at about our Emotional Support Animal program by CLICKING HERE. Make the compassionate choice to embrace the support and companionship of an emotional support animal, and witness the transformative impact it can have on your mental health journey.