Are you tired of struggling to find pet-friendly housing?Β  Of not being able to take your PSA on airline flights?Β  Not being able to enter into local establishments with your PSA?Β  And facing extra charges when traveling with your PSA? Then, look no further!

Our Licensed Therapists are here to help you unlock the freedom to live and travel with your dog without additional fees or restrictions.


Learn how to order your Certified Therapist Psychiatric Service Animal Program today. Get the protection and access you and your service dog deserve.


Let’s Cover the Basics!

What is a Free My Paws Therapist Certified Letter, and why do you need one?

A Therapist Certified Letter is a document that verifies your need for a Psychiatric Support Animal.

If one of our Certified Therapists determines you qualify for an PSA, they will prescribe a mental health program for you which will include both a Travel and Housing Therapist Certified Letter as part of your treatment plan.

This documentation is legally required to fly with your PSA or live in housing prohibiting certain animals, including dogs.

Without a Therapist Certified Letter, you risk being denied access to these benefits and even face legal consequences.

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Many people who need the service of a Psychiatric Service Animal need help knowing where to start - online information can be confusing. In reality, it is not all that complex.

First, you need to have a qualifying condition.Β 

Secondly, your dog must be trained to service that need and pass the Canine Good Citizenship / Public Access Test.

Where owners often get tripped up is how to find a licensed therapist who can genuinely prescribe a mental wellness plan that would include legitimate travel and housing letters for you to use with confidence.

The Free My Paws program was developed over 10 years ago just for PSA owners like you.

Our Licensed Therapists, who specialize in mental health assessments, will prescribe a personalized treatment plan that includes both a certified travel and housing letter.

Additionally, we provide ongoing support to ensure that you are able to succeed in having your ESA by your side day over day.Β 

lindsay giguiere, psychiatric service animal certification, therapist certified travel letter, therapist certified travel letter, personal therapy plan via telehealth, felicitails and free my paws founded by lindsay giguiere

If you're looking to fly, travel, and live with your Psychiatric Service Animal, we're here to help.

A Therapist Certified Letter is a document that verifies your need for a Psychiatric Service Animal.

If one of our Certified Therapists determines you qualify for a PSA, they will prescribe a mental health program that includes Travel and Housing Therapist Certified Letters as part of your treatment plan.Β 

This documentation is legally required to fly with your PSA or live in housing prohibiting certain animals, including dogs and cats. Without a PAS Therapist Certified Letter, you risk being denied access to these benefits and could even face legal consequences.

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Our Certified Therapists will work with you to understand your physical, mental and emotional support needs. They will assess whether a PSA is required to service and support you. If it is determined that a PSA is needed to enable personal living conditions, you will be prescribed a treatment plan, providing you with two personalized Free My Paws letters, one for Travel and one for Housing that meets all legal requirements.

lindsay giguiere, felicitails curated products for service animals, emotional support animals, dog video based training for psychiatric service dog patients, pet insurance, dog walking, pet sitting, dog boarding, pet insurance, dna testing, dog gut health testing, dog oral testing


With our Therapist Certified Letter, either Travel or Housing, you'll have peace of mind knowing that you have the proper documentation to handle your PSA and have them by your side. This means you’ll be able to fly with them in the cabin, travel with your service animal or dog without worrying about being denied access, and you can live in housing that otherwise wouldn't allow pets. Additionally, having a PSA can provide support and companionship, which can improve your overall physical abilities, mental health and well -being. As part of your prescribed therapy plan Therapist Certified Letters provide maximum results.

lindsay giguiere, felicitails curated products for service animals, emotional support animals, dog video based training for psychiatric service dog patients, pet insurance, dog walking, pet sitting, dog boarding, pet insurance, dna testing, dog gut health testing, dog oral testing


Our Certified Therapists have years of experience working with individuals who qualify to live and travel with a Psychiatric Service Animal. We're dedicated to providing personalized therapy sessions, care and attention to each and every one of our patients. We ensure you receive the right documentation that meets all legal requirements and accurately reflects your service animal needs. Plus, our easy online application process means you can get started right away and have your prescribed therapy plan in hand in no time.

lindsay giguiere, felicitails curated products for service animals, emotional support animals, dog video based training for psychiatric service dog patients, pet insurance, dog walking, pet sitting, dog boarding, pet insurance, dna testing, dog gut health testing, dog oral testing


Our Therapist Certified Letters for Psychiatric Service Animals, which includes dogs, is a must-have for everyone who wants to register and use their PSA with confidence and peace of mind. Don't risk being denied access to airline travel, facility access or accommodations - secure your prescribed treatment plan today and start living your best life with your furry friend by your side.

lindsay giguiere, felicitails curated products for service animals, emotional support animals, dog video based training for psychiatric service dog patients, pet insurance, dog walking, pet sitting, dog boarding, pet insurance, dna testing, dog gut health testing, dog oral testing

We make certification easy

Having a Personalized Therapy Plan and Free My Paws Therapist Certified Letters for your PSA gives you the peace of mind that your companion is recognized and your legal rights are protected. You can eliminate the stress of not knowing whether you can take your PSA with you whenever you travel, move into a new home or go about your everyday life. Our certification process involves a comprehensive therapy session to evaluate your mental state, your animal’s (typically a dog) training / temperament by a Licensed Therapist, who will then prescribe a treatment plan that will include a Free My Paws Travel and Housing Letter confirming your animal's PSA status.

These official documents ensure that your animal is recognized as a Psychiatric Service Animal, allowing you legal access to rental housing, airline flights, and other establishments.

lindsay giguiere, felicitails curated products for service animals, emotional support animals, dog video based training for psychiatric service dog patients, pet insurance, dog walking, pet sitting, dog boarding, pet insurance, dna testing, dog gut health testing, dog oral testing


During the entire Free My Paws Certification process you will be treated with the utmost care and respect. We pride ourselves on our outstanding therapy sessions and service. All our practicing therapists are licensed mental health professionals, which ensures that you’ll receive the best advice and up-to-date therapy prescriptions. In addition, our Free My Paws Therapist Confirmation Letters are promptly updated with the latest changes to meet landlord and airline requirements.

The decision to work with us on the purchase of a PSA Program is one which will have a significant impact on your life. To make it easy we offer a comprehensive satisfaction guarantee to ensure you’re happy with your program.



  • Complete your purchase online.

  • You will receive an Email with a link to the online patient intake questionnaire, open the link and submit the form.

  • Once one of our registered therapists has reviewed your information, they will contact you to set a time for a telehealth therapy session, typically within 24 hours.

  • At the end of the therapy session, our Licensed Therapist will make a diagnosis to then prescribe a treatment plan and if they estimate that you suffer from an ailment which would benefit from the presence of an Psychiatric Service Animal and your Animal (typically Dog) is properly trained as a Service Animal, they will then produce your Free My Paws PSA letters, both for Travel and Housing.

  • You will receive your Free My Paws PSA letters by email almost immediately after completing your phone interview, in secure PDF format.


You'll have the protection and access your PSA deserves in under 24 hours.


Travel & Housing Therapist Certified Program for Psychiatric Service Animals, including Dogs


  • Fast Electronic Process & Delivery

  • Easy Online Questionnaire

  • Convenient Telehealth Session

  • Comprehensive Treatment Prescription

  • Licensed Therapist Certified Letters

  • 24/7 Customer Support


Travel & Housing Therapist Certified Program for Psychiatric Service Animals, including Dogs


  • Fast Electronic Process & Delivery

  • Easy Online Questionnaire

  • Convenient Telehealth Confirmation

  • Comprehensive Treatment Prescription

  • Licensed Therapist Certified Letters

  • 24/7 Customer Support

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Psychiatric Service Animal (PSA) and a Service Dog?

Psychiatric Support Animal provides emotional support and carries out tasks that help individuals with psychiatric disabilities cope with their everyday life. Service Dogs are specifically trained to perform tasks that mitigate a person's physical disability.

How do I qualify for a Psychiatric Service Animal?

You qualify for a PSA if you have a verifiable emotional or psychological disability diagnosed by a licensed mental health professional. They can provide an ESA letter, stating that the animal is necessary for your well-being.

Do I need a letter from a licensed healthcare professional for my Psychiatric Service Animal?

Yes, you need a medical professional's letter for your Psychiatric Service Animal. This letter, often referred to as a letter of prescription or recommendation, must be from a licensed healthcare professional treating you for the disability your PSA will assist with.Β 

All of our Free My Paws PSA letters are certified by a licensed therapist, after a telehealth consultation.

Can any animal be a Psychiatric Service Animal?

No, not any animal can be a Psychiatric Service Animal. Dogs are the most common type but miniature horses also qualify if they are trained to perform specific tasks that directly assist with a disability.

Who can train a Psychiatric Service Dog?

A Psychiatric Service Dog must be trained, and the training can be provided in various ways. PSAs must be able to carry out tasks related to the disability, such as helping to calm an individual prior to a panic attack. They must also be able to behave appropriately in a variety of public situations - for example, they must be able to ignore common distractions, such as other dogs or loud noises.Β 

Professionals such as certified dog trainers or organizations specializing in service dog training can undertake this, or you can train the dog yourself to reach the standard required.Online training and certification is becoming increasingly popular.

Can I train my pet dog to become a Psychiatric Service Dog?

Yes, you can train your pet dog to become a Psychiatric Service Dog. However, this training process can be complex and requires adherence to specific standards. Many prefer working with professional trainers, in-person or online, to ensure proper training and obtain a certification.

Learn how our expert dog trainers can help you!

Do I need to register my Psychiatric Service Dog?

No, you do not need to register your Psychiatric Service Dog. There is no official registry for Psychiatric Service Dogs. A legitimate PSA requires a PSAΒ  letter from a licensed mental health professional, created after a telehealth or in-person consultation, to be recognized as valid.

Does my PSA need to wear a special vest, leash, collar, etc?

While a vest, leash, tag, or other accessories are not mandated for Psychiatric Service Dogs, they can help clarify that your animal is a Psychiatric Service Dog, thereby reducing questions and intrusive approaches.

Is there a size limit for service dogs?

No, there is no specific size limit for service dogs. Service dogs come in various sizes, and their suitability is based on their ability to perform tasks and assist with their owner's disability.

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law in the United States. Yes, it prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in various areas of public life, including employment, transportation, and public accommodations. It also grants certain rights to individuals with disabilities who use service dogs.

Learn more about the ADA

What information may be asked of me for proof of my Psychiatric ServiceΒ  Animal?

Businesses and establishments may ask for specific information regarding your Psychiatric ServiceΒ  Animal. They can ask whether your animal is a service animal and what tasks it has been trained to perform. However, they cannot inquire about your disability, request documentation, or ask for a demonstration of tasks.

Can I take my Psychiatric Service Dog anywhere?

In most cases, yes, you can take your Psychiatric Service Dog anywhere. Service dogs have the right to accompany their owners in public spaces, including restaurants, stores, and transportation. However, some exceptions exist, such as sterile environments such as hospital operating rooms.

Do Psychiatric Service Dogs fly for free?

Yes, Psychiatric Service Dogs fly for free. Under the Air Carrier Access Act, service dogs can fly in the cabin with their owner at no additional cost. However, you will need to complete DOT forms, and every airline has its own policies, so it's advisable to inform the airline well in advance of travel.Β 

Check out our comprehensive guide to flying on US airlines with your PSA

Can landlords, restaurants, or public places refuse Psychiatric Service Dogs?

No, landlords, restaurants, or public places cannot typically refuse Psychiatric Service Dogs. Under the ADA, service dogs can stay with their owners in most public areas, including restaurants and stores. Landlords are also usually required to make reasonable accommodations for tenants with service dogs.

Learn more

Does my Psychiatric Service Dog have to be on a leash?

Yes, yourΒ  service dog must be on a leash unless the leash interferes with their tasks. In such cases, the dog must be under control through voice or hand commands.

Can I be asked to leave if my Psychiatric Service Dog is disruptive?

Yes, you can be asked to leave if your service dog is being disruptive. If a service dog is disruptive, such as barking excessively or causing a significant disturbance, a business owner may ask you to remove the dog from the premises. However, they should allow you to obtain the goods or services without the dog's presence.

What questions are businesses allowed and not allowed to ask when I have my Psychiatric Service Dog with me?

Businesses are allowed to ask two main questions:Β 

  • Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?Β 
  • What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?Β 

However, they cannot ask about your disability, request documentation, or ask for a demonstration of tasks.

Do PSA letters expire?

Yes, PSA letters expire twelve months from the issue date and need to be renewed so that you may continue enjoying the privileges it provides.

Do I really need to renew my PSA letter?

Yes, you really need to renew your PSA letter every 12 months to ensure that it will continue to be accepted as valid.Β Β 

Renewing your letter is easy with Free My Paws through Felicitails seamless consultation process.

Is my service dog a Tax Write Off?

Yes, your psychiatric support dog may be a tax write-off, as service animals fall under medical expenses. That's Schedule A on Form 1040. Consult your tax expert for the latest regulations.

The IRS requires documentation. Keep all receipts and invoices related to your PSA so you can write off nearly all pet-incurred expenses, including:

  • Food
  • Grooming
  • Training
  • Purchase price
  • Vet bills
  • Boarding
  • Other miscellaneous costs